High-level sportsperson


Dernière mise à jour le :05/05/2022


The high-level sportsperson is recognised by the Sports Code and by the High-Level Sports Charter (founded on the ethical principles of sport). This is based on the following well-established criteria :

  • recognition of the high-level character of the sporting disciplines ;
  • the reference competitions (Olympic Games, World Championships and European Championships) ;
  • the list of high-level sportspeople ;
  • the high-level sport access tracks.

The list of high-level sportspeople includes the sportspeople selected in a French national team to prepare for the reference international competitions (Olympic Games, World Championships and European Championships). They must be at least twelve years of age in the year they are enrolled on this list. For example, a Paris Saint-Germain (PSG) or Olympique de Marseille (OM) football player is not considered as being a high-level sportsperson if he is not in the French national team.

Enrolment on the high-level sportspersons list is performed each year on the proposal of the national technical directors of the sports federations concerned, subject to quotas (maximum number of enrolments not to be exceeded) defined by the National Commission for High-Level Sport (CNSHN).


Source : mission Enquêtes, Données et Études Statistiques (MEDES), service statistique ministériel en charge de la jeunesse et des sports (site : https://injep.fr/mesurer/)