French nomenclature of activities for handicrafts / NAFA


Dernière mise à jour le :13/10/2016


The NAFA (French Nomenclature of Activities for Handicrafts) is the classification that describes handicraft activities. The scope of handicraft activities was defined in Law 96-603 of 5 July 1996 relating to the development and promotion of trade and handicrafts (articles 16 to 25) as those listed in the annex of Decree n°2008-565 of 17 June 2008 amending Decree n°98-247 of 2 April 1998 relating to artisanal qualification and the trades register.

The NAFA was revised in 2008 (Ruling of 10 July 2008, OJ of 23 July 2008) to bring it into line with NAF rev. 2, revised on 1st January 2008 (NAFA rev. 2).

The NAFA codes have six characters- four digits and two letters. The first five characters are those of the NAF. The letter in sixth position specifies the content of the NAFA items within a NAF sub-class.

The main activity in the trades register (APRM) is defined in accordance with the NAFA.