Standard gross production / SGP


Dernière mise à jour le :16/10/2017


The standard gross production describes a potential of production of the farms and allows to classify the farms according to their economic size in "average and big farms" or "big farms". The SGP2007 was made from coefficients stemming from average values calculated over the period 2005 to 2009. The contribution of every agricultural surface or livestock to the SGP allows to classify the farms according to their specialisation. The notion of SGP, elaborated in sync with the 2010 agricultural census, appears only in publications using the results of the 2010 agricultural census. The coefficients of SGP do not constitute an observed economic results. They should be considered only as rough estimates defining a potential production of the farm. The annual variation of the SGP of a farm express only the evolution of its structures of production (for example enlargement or choice of production in higher potential) and not a variation of its turnover. For the ease of interpretation, the SGP is expressed in euro, but it is only a standard unit of measure which allows to rank the productions between them.

This concept succeeds to the ancient concept of Standard gross margin (SGM) henceforth obsolete because of the Common Agricultural Policy reform of 2003 establishing the decoupling of agricultural aid connected to the production. The SGM was measured in European Size Units (ESU), equivalent to 1.5 hectares of wheat.

It ensues a new European typology of farms. This new classification of the farms according to their main production (type of farming, TF) and according to their size (economic farm size) applies for the first time for the results of the agricultural census of 2010 (then to surveys "structure") as well as in the farm accountancy data network.


Source : service de la statistique et de la prospective (SSP), ministère chargé de l'agriculture (site :