The standard output (SO) describes the potential production of farms, calculated according to the prices and yields of a reference year.
The SO is a proxy for the turnover of farms.
The standard output (SO) is calculated by multiplying arable land and livestock numbers by coefficients reflecting average yields and prices calculated over a 5-year period.
Two related 2020 concepts:
Economic size: for the 2020 agricultural Census, the coefficients used for the SO are calculated on the basis of average yields and prices for the period 2015 to 2019, which provides the average SO for 2017 ("SO 2017"). In order to study changes in farm structure since the last census, i.e., without taking into account changes in prices and yields between 2010 and 2020, the coefficients of the 2017 SO were applied to the results of the 2010 agricultural census (instead of the 2007 coefficients used at the time of the release of the results of this census). This neutralization of changes in prices and yields makes it possible to explain the change in the distribution of farms in economic size classes only by the effect of increase in farm size.
Based on the total SO of all its crop and livestock production, a farm is classified in an economic size class (ESG). In 2020, the economic size classification was revised to better reflect the distribution of farms according to their SO Farms are now classified into four size categories, compared to three previously. Thus, farms with a SO of less than € 25,000 are considered as"micro", those with a SO between €25,000 and €100,000 are considered as "small", those with a SO between €100,000 and €250,000 are considered as"medium sized", and those with a SO of more than €250,000 are considered as "large".
Technical-economic orientation: the contribution of each crop and livestock to the standard output (SO) makes it possible to classify farms according to their specialisation (or technical-economic orientation. A holding is considered to be specialised in a production when at least two-thirds of its So is generated by this production.
Source: Ministerial Statistical Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food Sovereignty (website: http://agreste.agriculture.gouv.fr)