Trusted Smart Statistics: methodological developments based on new data sources

INSEE and official statistics
Dernière mise à jour le : 03/10/2023

Project coordinatoor and Co-Partners

Coordinator: Italy (ISTAT)
Co-Partners: France (INSEE), Austria (STAT), Germany (DESTATIS), Spain (INE), Netherlands (CBS), Norway (SSB), Romania (INS), Sweden (SCB), Portugal (INE-PT)
Start date : 01/11/2023 – End date: 31/10/2025


This project aims to guide and facilitate the integration of MNO data with other non-MNO data to produce regular official statistics. The project proposes a reference frame for methods relevant to combining MNO and non-MNO data into a coherent statistical production process. The methodological proposal is well grounded, reasonable and evolvable; it looks beyond the current situations and enriches them with new reasonable integration scenarios and data sources, enabling in this way the use of additional methods and the achievements of improved results. The developed methods will be tested and demonstrated on real and synthetic data. An open-source implementation of the methodologies will be released to ensure its reproducibility. To assess the representativity of mobile phone data, as well as to address other relevant statistics and quality needs, the use of ad-hoc surveys will be designed in proof-of-concept. Guidelines will be produced and training courses offered to prepare the ESS for the integration of MNO data with other non-MNO data sources in official statistics.

Distribution of work

INSEE is coordinating the part of the project devoted to an overview of all the data sources that can be combined with mobile telephony data: traditional sources, such as surveys and administrative databases, but also new data sources resulting from partnerships with private and institutional protagonists.

The planned activities are grouped in 4 work packages, linked to specific objectives, deadlines and results. INSEE is leading work package 2.

  • Work package 1: Project management, coordination, and dissemination
  • Work package 2: Landscaping analysis of the non-MNO data sources
  • Work package 3: Methodologies and open source tools for integrating MNO and non-MNO data sources
  • Work package 4: Proof of concept of an ad-hoc survey to improve MNO data