Pan-African Statistics Programme II - Developing social statistics in African national statistical offices (SOCSTAF)

INSEE and official statistics
Dernière mise à jour le : 25/03/2022

Project coordinator and Co-Partners

Coordinator : Denmark (Danmarks Statistik)

Co-Partners : France (INSEE), Spain (INE), Finland (Tilastokeskus), Poland (Glowny Urzad Statystyczny)

start date : 28/02/2022 - End date : 26/02/2026


Overall objective :
Supporting African integration by strengthening the African statistical system, in order to ensure the use of quality statistical data in decision-making and policy monitoring for African integration, so as to facilitate the monitoring of the progress of society in Africa, with a focus on the social domain.

Specific objectives :

  • Strengthening the capacity of selected African National Statistical Institutes to produce independent, comparable and quality social statistics in the areas of health, education and labour.
  • Strengthening the monitoring of the ODDs.
  • Assisting selected NSIs to reduce production costs by introducing various new methodologies and data sources.

Distribution of work

The work is organised on 11 WP :
WP 1 : Project coordination and evaluation phase
WP 2 : Use of administrative data
WP 3 : Exploration of non-traditional data sources
WP 4 : Communication and dissemination of statistics
WP 5 : Training on the preparation and conduct of a population census
WP 6 : Indicators for monitoring the ODD
WP 7 : Training in demography
WP 8 : Health statistics
WP 9 : Education statistics
WP 10 : Employment statistics
WP 11 : Identification of the informal economy

INSEE is involved in WPs : 3, 10 and 11. In this framework, the following activities are planned :

  • Support to the exploration of new data sources for social statistics purposes and organisation of a hackathon (joint activity with the ECOBUSAF grant)
  • Support for the use of administrative sources or improvement of surveys for employment statistics
  • Support for the identification of informal employment and the measurement of the informal sector using the 1-2-3 surveys