List of completed projects ESSnets and Centers of Excellence
- INTERSTAT - Open Statistical Data interoperability framework
- Smart Surveys 2019-2021
- Geospatial statistics (GEOSTAT 4)
- Big Data II
Implementing shared statistical services (SERV2)
Project coordinator and Co-Partners
Coordinator: France
Co-Partners: Italy, Norway, Sweden, Portugal
Start date: 01/11/2018 – End date: 31/05/2021
To jointly develop a catalogue of shared statistical services and to set up IT tools to facilitate the reuse of these services within the European Statistical System and beyond. This is part of the SERV project under the Eurostat Vision 2020 and continues the Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletSCFE project already coordinated by INSEE (2017-2018).
Distribution of work
The planned activities are grouped in 5 work packages, linked to specific objectives, deadlines and results:
- Work package 1: Develop and reuse new services;
- Work package 2: Define integration and architecture guidelines;
- Work package 3: Build a sandbox and test available services – containerise;
- Work package 4: Create and communicate success stories;
- Work package 5: Communication and Dissemination of Results.
More informations: Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletImplementing shared statistical services
Centre of Excellence on Statistical Disclosure Control (SDC): Open source tools for perturbative confidentiality methods – SGA5
Project coordinator and Co-Partners
Coordinator: Netherlands
Co-Partners: France, Austria, Germany, Slovenia, Hungary, Finland
Start date: 16/03/2018 – End date: 27/09/2019
- To provide Open Source applications for the record exchange method and cell key method, to be used with the 2021 census data
- To incorporate the Open Source results developed in the existing standard user interfaces for the confidentiality management tools (µ-argus, sdcMicro, t-argus, sdcTable)
- To expand the initial Open Source results in order to process other data series beyond the 2021 census
- To research the possibilities (and challenges) of extending the cell key method to more general situations
- To develop the specifications for a general table construction tool capable of applying random noise to the tables “on the fly” and conceptual considerations on how to integrate a general table construction tool into the statistical production chain of the French National Statistics Institute
Distribution of work
The planned activities are grouped in 5 work packages, linked to specific objectives, deadlines and results. INSEE is involved in 4 work packages: WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP5:
- Work package 1: Management;
- Work package 2: Implementation of Targeted record Swapping;
- Work package 3: Prototypical implementation of the cell key/seed mehod;
- Work package 4: More general implementation of the cell key/seed mehod;
- Work package 5: Table builder.
More informations: Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletCentre of Excellence on Statistical Disclosure Control
City data from LFS and Big data
Project coordinator and Co-Partners
Coordinator: Netherlands
Co-Partners: France, Belgium, Germany, Austria
Start date: 01/01/2018 – End date: 31/12/2018
To understand whether:
- the LFS (Labour Force Survey) could provide a limited series of annual indicators for functional urban areas;
- mobile phone data allow estimates to be calculated of the commuter or population flows between municipalities;
- the gaps in the time series of the regional LFS could be bridged by reallocating the respondents of the previous LFS to NUTS regions (Territorial Units for Statistics).
Distribution of work
The planned activities are grouped in 3 work packages, linked to specific objectives, deadlines and results. INSEE is involved in 2 work packages: WP1 and WP2:
- Work package 0: Coordination;
- Work package 1: LFS urban data and NUTS timeseries;
- Work package 2: Estimate commuting flows with mobile phone data.
More informations: Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletCity data from LFS and Big Data
Linked Open Statistics (LOS)
Project coordinator and Co-Partners
Coordinator: Bulgaria
Co-Partners: France, Italy, Ireland
Start date: 23/11/2017 – End date: 22/05/2019
To enable an assessment of the added value and costs of Linked Open Data (LOD) for users and other stakeholders
Distribution of work
The planned activities are grouped in 3 work packages, linked to specific objectives, deadlines and results. INSEE is involved in 2 work packages: WP0 and WP1:
- Work package 0: Project coordination;
- Work package 1: LOD pilots, User assessment and recommendations on horizontal topics;
- Work package 2: ESS Networking, Cooperation and capacity building.
More informations: Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletESSnet Linked Open Statistics
Border Region Data Collection
Project coordinator and Co-Partners
Coordinator: Netherlands
Co-Partners: France, Belgium, Germany, Denmark, Poland, Slovenia, Italy
Start date: 17/07/2017 – End date: 16/07/2018
To test new methods for collecting data for cross-border cooperation areas. The European “Border Region Data Collection” project made it possible to draw up an initial overview at European level of the availability of data enabling cross-border areas to be studied. This project is a true full-scale test based around the topic of employment in border regions.
Distribution of work
The planned activities are grouped in 3 work packages, linked to specific objectives, deadlines and results. INSEE is involved in all 3 work packages:
- Work package 1: LFS data;
- Work package 2: Administrative data;
- Work package 3: Mobile phone data.
More informations: Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletBorder Region Data collection
Centre of Excellence on Seasonal adjustment (SACE)
Project coordinator and Co-Partners
Coordinator: France
Co-Partners: Italy, United Kingdom, Latvia, Portugal, National Bank of Belgium
Start date: 03/10/2016 – End date: 02/10/2019
To provide assistance and services for the ESS and the ESCB in their seasonal adjustment activities. More specifically, the SACE aims to provide support and assistance for the implementation of JDemetra+ as a reliable and user-friendly production tool for official statistics. The effective migration of the national statistics institutes and national central banks to JDemetra+ for the purposes of statistical production is a key objective. The user group comprises 22 countries and 3 international organisations. This project is part of the continuation of the first Seasonal Adjustment Centre of Excellence.
Distribution of work
The planned activities are grouped in 6 work packages, linked to specific objectives, deadlines and results:
- Work package 1: Knowledge sharing and dissemination towards the ESS;
- Work package 2: Support to SA practitioners;
- Work package 3: Testing;
- Work package 4: Management, monitoring and reporting;
- Work package 5: Plug-Ins;
- Work package 6: Training, coahing and consultancy.
More informations: Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletSeasonal Adjustment Centre of Excellence (SACE)