Principle 6: Impartiality and Objectivity

Statistical authorities develop, produce and disseminate European Statistics respecting scientific independence and in an objective, professional and transparent manner in which all users are treated equitably.

Dernière mise à jour le : 28/02/2023

Indicator 6.1

Statistics are compiled on an objective basis determined by statistical considerations.

Official statisticians regularly receive awareness training regarding the principles of impartiality and objectivity and are trained to apply the corresponding rules, both in technical areas, with the adoption of a solid and proven methodology, and in editorial matters. Staff also participate in awareness raising in relation to quality and, in particular, the European Statistics Code of Practice.

In the rare cases of calls for tenders for statistical projects launched by INSEE, external partners (academics, private companies, etc.) are chosen on the basis of competence criteria alone. The same criteria apply when the Institute replies to calls for projects, such as the partnership with Orange in the context of a call for projects by the French National Research Agency to work on the use of mobile telephony data.

In addition, surveys conducted with external partners, like all official statistical surveys, must be submitted to the National Council for Statistical Information (Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletCNIS) which ensures that the project falls within the scope of Official Statistics and that it is appropriate in this context. The Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletOfficial Statistics Quality Label Committee looks into the choice of sources and the collection and adjustment methods used, thereby guaranteeing the objectivity of the operation.

The principles of impartiality and objectivity are also anchored in INSEE’s Communication and Dissemination Policy which applies, in particular, to the embargo rules and relations with the press.

Furthermore, compliance with these principles may be subject to monitoring by the French Official Statistics Authority (ASP), which, under Article 1 of French Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletDecree No 2009-250 of 3 March 2009, as amended, “shall ensure compliance with the principle of professional independence in the design, production and dissemination of Official Statistics, as well as the principles of objectivity, impartiality, relevance and quality of the data produced”. The French Official Statistics Authority (ASP) is also able to refer cases to itself and issue opinions regarding the application of these principles, as was the case in Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletFebruary 2020 in response to unfounded controversy regarding information produced by the French Official Statistical Service.

Indicator 6.2

Choices of data sources and statistical methods as well as decisions about the dissemination of statistics are based on statistical considerations.

INSEE and Ministerial Statistical Office (MSO) statisticians are free to choose their data sources and methods based on established practice and scientific and technical considerations, with compliance with established practice having been verified by the National Council for Statistical Information (CNIS) and the Official Statistics Quality Label Committee.

Through the opinions on appropriateness it issues, the National Council for Statistical Information (CNIS) helps to guarantee that the choice of sources and methods is based on statistical considerations. In particular, it ensures that survey projects aim to meet an identified need, since the data are not otherwise available. In the case of a system based on administrative sources, it makes decisions on the transfer to INSEE or the Ministerial Statistical Offices (MSOs) of information collected, within the framework of their mission, by an administrative body, a legal entity governed by public law or a legal entity governed by private law managing a public service, in application of the provisions of the first paragraph of Article 7 bis of the French Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletAct of 7 June 1951, as amended. In both cases, it ensures that the work has an official statistical purpose and that it is disseminated publicly. By intervening in the development of the work programme of the French Official Statistical Service, it also ensures that the planned dissemination of statistics serves the general interest and is mandatory.

The Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletOfficial Statistics Quality Label Committee examines, on behalf of the National Council for Statistical Information (CNIS), all projects for the collection of information by means of statistical surveys submitted to it by the services producing Official Statistics and for which the sign-off required under Article 2 of the French Act of 7 June 1951 is requested. In accordance with the provisions of Article 20, Chapter IV of French Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletDecree No 2009-318, as amended, the Official Statistics Quality Label Committee covers all aspects of the survey: it assesses the statistical quality of the project, in consideration of the principles and indicators of the European Statistics Code of Practice and, in particular, ensures that the choices have been made based on statistical considerations. The compliance opinions issued by the Official Statistics Quality Label Committee are published on its website.

Indicator 6.3

Errors discovered in published statistics are corrected at the earliest possible date and publicised.

Since 1 March 2022, the Error Correction Policy of the French Official Statistical Service has set out the principles and rules to be followed when an error is detected in the information it disseminates. It specifies the protocol to follow, not only to qualify the error and correct it but also to inform users. Indeed, depending on whether the error is classified as minor or major, the way in which it is processed, as well as the communication regarding the error and the way it is corrected will be adapted.

Indicator 6.4

Information on data sources, methods and procedures used is publicly available.

INSEE’s Statistical Metadata Repository (RMéS) creates a structure for statistical metadata and feeds directly into the INSEE website. The metadata are thus disseminated to the public and can be reused easily. In particular, they are included in the “Definitions, Methods and Quality” section of the website (versions in both French and English). The “Definitions” section contains the concepts most often used in the French Official Statistical Service. The “Data Sources and Indicators” section provides a summary description of the characteristics of each source in the European Single Integrated Metadata Structure (SIMS) format, generally supplemented by more detailed methodological documents. A lot of information on sources, methods and procedures is available to users, such as in the “Models, Methods and Statistical Tools” section.

Indicator 6.5

Statistical release dates and times are pre-announced.

INSEE draws up and disseminates on its website the Four-Month Calendar containing the main economic indicators (some of which are produced by the Ministerial Statistical Offices).

In addition, INSEE disseminates the National Publications Calendar listing the publications to be released over the next two weeks.

Furthermore, a Calendar for the Press is posted on it announces the Institute’s national studies and indicators programme for the next two weeks.

Indicator 6.6

Advance notice is given on major revisions or changes in methodologies.

In accordance with INSEE’s General Revisions Policy, which was formalised in 2019, INSEE and the Ministerial Statistical Offices (MSOs) announce revisions either at the time of their dissemination or in advance, in accordance with a protocol adapted to the source of the revisions, their magnitude and the sensitivity of the published statistics. The revision schedules are coordinated with the release schedules for each area of statistics and, where applicable, with international schedules.

Redesigns are announced to the general public, as far as possible, before the publication of the revised statistics. Thus, the dissemination in 2019 of the data related to the Élaboration des statistiques annuelles d’entreprises (ÉSANE), a compilation of annual business statistics, for the financial year 2017 was accompanied by a Methodological Note explaining the impact of the new definition of “enterprise” in line with the economic concept in Council Regulation (EEC) No 696/93.

Routine revisions are disseminated in accordance with pre-defined schedules that are kept up to date. The Indicators Calendar provides the publication dates of the various versions of the main economic indicators.

Indicator 6.7

Statistical authorities independently decide on the time and content of statistical releases, while taking into account the goal of providing complete and timely statistical information. All users have equal access to statistical releases at the same time. Any privileged pre-release access to any outside user is limited, well-justified, controlled and publicised. In case of breach, pre-release arrangements are reviewed so as to ensure impartiality.

INSEE announces the dates and times of publication of the most important statistics produced by the French Official Statistical Service on its website in advance.

The principle applied is that of dissemination to all users at the same time and under the same conditions. However, some users benefit from early access to the main economic indicators under the very precise conditions specified in the Dissemination and Embargo Rules of the French Official Statistical Service. This pre-release access is a tolerance rather than a standard. The stakeholders who benefit from such access (mainly ministerial offices and journalists) are obliged to respect a strict embargo: they must not pass on the information before it is released publicly. In the event of an embargo being breached, INSEE informs the other recipients of the embargoed information that the embargo has been lifted as quickly as possible. Where the embargo is breached by a media outlet, the latter receives a letter from INSEE reminding it that, in the event of a repeat offence, it will no longer receive the information under embargo.

The French Official Statistics Authority (ASP) ensures compliance with these embargo rules, which constitute a guarantee of credibility and transparency for other users. In 2020, ASP published a note on its website reiterating and clarifying Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletthe Dissemination and Embargo Rules and the monitoring conditions. Embargo breaches are extremely rare. From its creation, in August 2008, to the end of 2019, only eight embargo breaches have been detected by the French Official Statistics Authority (ASP), six of which were governmental in origin. Letters have been sent by the President of ASP to the ministers (or their ministerial office managers) who breached the embargo to remind them of the rules in this regard.

Indicator 6.8

Statistical releases and statements made in press conferences are objective and non-partisan.

INSEE’s communication with the media is based on clear and transparent principles: neutrality, fairness in the treatment of users during dissemination and publications free of charge for journalists.

At national level, only INSEE representatives are present at press conferences and they only report on the work carried out, without commenting on the possible political framework in which the topic could be included. At regional level, where the notified work has been carried out as part of partnerships with local public stakeholders, representatives of the latter may take part in press conferences and, in some cases, provide an on-the-ground and operational view of the results produced. Whether at national or regional level, media training sessions are also organised to prepare for press conferences.

Furthermore, in accordance with Article 1 of French Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletDecree No 2009-250 of 3 March 2009, as amended, the French Official Statistics Authority (ASP) ensures that the dissemination of publications from the French Official Statistical Service is clearly distinct from any ministerial communication.