Papers related to the 13th conference - Association de Comptabilité Nationale

Paris the 2, 3 and 4 of June 2010

INSEE and official statistics
Dernière mise à jour le : 16/02/2017

Session 1: Crisis, accounting standards and asset valuation

Organiser: Dominique Durant (Banque de France)

Chairman: Gilbert Cette (Banque de France)

Discussant: Nicolas Véron (Economist, Bruegel Institute in Brussels and Peterson Institute in Washington)

  • Financial bubbles

André Orléan (Cepremap)

Abstract (pdf, 4 Ko )

  • Valuation in insurance and financial crisis

Philippe Trainar (SCOR group)

Abstract (pdf, 9 Ko )

  • Which value in national accounts?

Dominique Durant (Banque de France)

Abstract (pdf, 6 Ko )

  • Are the Financial Accounts a relevant tool to analyze the latest financial crisis?

Frédéric Delamarre (Banque de France)

Abstract (pdf, 7 Ko )

Session 2: Measuring production and value added in financial activities

Organiser: Paul Schreyer (OCDE)

Chairman: Antoine Frachot (GENES)

  • Conceptual framework and measurement of financial intermediation services indirectly measured

Reimund Mink (BCE)

Abstract (pdf, 5 Ko )

Text (pdf, 375 Ko )

Diaporama (pdf, 86 Ko )

  • Implicitly Priced Bank Services in the US National Accounts: A Look Back and a Look Forward

Marshall Reinsdorf (BEA)

Abstract (pdf, 7 Ko )

Text (pdf, 113 Ko )

Diaporama (pdf, 312 Ko )

  • Measuring banking activity in France

Jean-Marie Fournier (INSEE) et Denis Marionnet ( Banque de France)

Abstract (pdf, 9 Ko )

  • Measuring Re-insurance activity: the case of Switzerland

Elena Marton (Office Fédéral des Statistiques)

Abstract (pdf, 6 Ko )

Session 3: Problems in the implementation of the SNA in African countries

Organiser: Alain Tranap (INSEE)

Chairman: Gérard Klotz (Université Lyon II et Institut des sciences humaines, UMR Triangle CNRS)

  • Implementation of SNA93 in AFRISTAT Member States

Doffou N'Guessan (AFRISTAT)

Abstract (pdf, 5 Ko )

  • L'implantation du SCN93 dans les pays africains anglophones

Tim Jones (Expert international)

Abstract (pdf, 6 Ko )

  • La mise en place du SCN93 et d'ERETES au Cameroun

Erith Nghogue (INS-Cameroun)

Abstract (pdf, 4 Ko )

  • The compilation of national accounts in a country in crisis: overview of the INS Côte d'Ivoire

Magloire Ligbet (INS-Côte d'Ivoire)

Abstract (pdf, 5 Ko )

  • The national accounts of a Sahel country: Burkina Faso

B. François Ramdé (INS-Burkina Faso)

Abstract (pdf, 5 Ko )

Session 4: What representation for the production process?

Organiser: Fabrice Lenglart (INSEE)

Chairman: David Encaoua (Université Paris1)

  • Profiling business groups and it's effect on business statistics

Vincent Hecquet (INSEE)

Abstract (pdf, 5 Ko )

  • Goods for Processing in the 2008 SNA

Nadim Ahmad (OCDE)

Abstract (pdf, 31 Ko )

Text (pdf, 62 Ko )

Diaporama (pdf, 302 Ko )

  • Intangible investments in France

Vincent Delbecque (CREST)

Abstract (pdf, 5 Ko )

  • The contribution of capital to GDP growth: For a distinction between capital stock and related capital services

Pierre-Alain Pionnier (Banque de France)

Abstract (pdf, 4 Ko )

Session 5: After the Stiglitz Commission report, what evolutions for national accounting?

Organiser: Fabrice Lenglart (INSEE)

Chairman: Jean-Etienne Chapron (INSEE)

  • On the Report of the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress : The Viewpoint of a Retired National Accountant

André Vanoli (ACN)

Abstract (pdf, 4 Ko )

Text (pdf, 324 Ko )

  • Inequality between households in the national accounts: Income, consumption, savings and purchasing power by household category

Maryse Fesseau (INSEE)

Abstract (pdf, 6 Ko )

  • Carbon dioxide emissions due to household consumption

Christophe Lesieur (INSEE)

Abstract (pdf, 5 Ko )

  • An overview of the National Accounts in the future?

Fabrice Lenglart (INSEE), Jacques Magniez (INSEE), André Vanoli (ACN)