Documentation on mobility databases

The mobility databases provide figures on commuting trips to work and to the place of study, and on residential migration between municipalities. These databases allow user to make any groupings they might wish above the municipal level.

Dernière mise à jour le : 07/02/2017

Content of the databases

Each mobility database associated with a theme supplies the figures for all municipalities (Metropolitan France and Overseas Departments) corresponding to the crossing of the place of residence with one of the following location variables: place of work, place of study, previous place of residence. For Paris, Lyon and Marseille, the data is only available on the municipal district level (ARM). The corresponding data for the whole municipality must therefore be calculated.

The data comes from complementary processing of the census.

The database structure is identical for the following three themes

  • Professional mobility: commuting to and from the place of work
  • School mobility: commuting to and from the place of study
  • Residential migrations: municipality of residence / previous municipality of residence (Warning: further to a change in the questionnaire, the last available results are those for 2008.)

Pour les territoires des départements d'outre-mer (DOM), certains tableaux ont été adaptés et ont une présentation spécifique.

The database content differs according to the format supplied

  • Text-format databases
    • provide users with all the flows between two locations, allowing them the possibility of grouping municipalities and/or municipal districts together to customise the selected zone.
    • come from calculations linked to sampling techniques, the count data is supplied with six decimal places and these must be used for all calculations to avoid any rounding errors.
  • Excel format databases
    • an be used immediately and allow users to study the main flows (flows >= 100, due to the limits on the number of lines with Excel 2000 and earlier versions).

Further information

These mobility flow databases are very easy to use in that they contain little information. For more in-depth analyses of mobility, it is recommended that you use the anonymised detailed files on mobility and migrations, which contain variables relating to the characteristics of the individual or household (age, sex, activity, qualification, nationality, type and size of household, type of cohabitation, etc.).

Geography and territorial modifications

The data for year n is presented in accordance with the geographical boundaries in force on 1st January of year n+2. Any territorial modifications are described in the display of the key figures.

Read on : Documentation on municipal and sub-municipal geography