Labour Ministerial Statistical Office

INSEE and official statistics
Dernière mise à jour le : 28/03/2024

The Directorate of Research, Economic Studies and Statistics (DARES) is a directorate of the Ministry of Labour, Health and Solidarity that produces analyses, studies and statistics on matters covering labour, employment, professional training and social dialogue.

Main missions

The DARES formulates, collects, uses and publishes statistical data and studies in the field of labour, employment, professional training and social dialogue, using administrative management sources or recognised surveys in the public interest.

It carries out and publishes analyses, prospective studies and evaluation labour in order to allow for a better understanding of the labour market and how it evolves.

It encourages research by launching calls for research projects, by supporting the "studies, evaluation and statistics" service network of the Regional Directorates for the Economy, Employment, Labour and Solidarity (DREETS), and by providing its expertise to several European and international authorities.

Statistical production

In its areas of expertise, the DARES carries out annual or multi-year surveys with companies about wages, working conditions, social dialogue, and so on, as well as ad hoc studies, often with establishments and/or beneficiaries of labour assistance measures.

Regarding its area of expertise, it also employs information systems based on administrative data and mobilises data gathered by INSEE.

It regularly communicates information to Eurostat and to the International Labour Bureau (BIT).

Studies and forecasting

The DARES operates statistical activities and runs studies, in addition to evaluation work about employment, labour, professional training and social dialogue that takes into account social demand and the needs of its various partners.

The entity supports its parent ministry in formulating public policies, specifically by creating short-term summaries and estimations of the effects of public policies on employment and unemployment. The pieces of work produced in this context are not systematically disseminated to the public.

The DARES coordinates studies programmes that are embarked upon under its aegis and promotes research work into its fields of expertise.

It co-supervises the Center for Studies and Research on Qualifications (Céreq) on behalf of the Ministry and, in this capacity, participates in defining its medium-term scientific orientations.


The public have access to the results of the work of the DARES on its Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletwebsite.

At the same time, it develops communication around the studies and evaluation works by organising seminars and conferences.