Youth and Sport Ministerial Statistical Office

INSEE and official statistics
Dernière mise à jour le : 23/01/2023

The Ministerial Statistical Office for Youth, Sports and Associative life is the Surveys, Data and Statistical Studies Section (MEDES).

The MEDES is part of the National Institute of Youth and Non-Formal Education (INJEP), a national service of the Ministry of National Education and Youth.

Its statistical work and studies are primarily centred around the collective reception of minors, civic service, the international mobility of young people, sporting practice, the economics of sport, diplomas and work in the field of sports and other activities, as well as associative life.

Main missions

The MEDES creates and implements a programme of studies and statistics, the results of which make it possible to shed light on policies in the areas of sport, youth and associative life.

It coordinates all statistical work in the field and ensures, among other things, the harmonisation of the various statistical projects and studies at a methodological level.

Statistical production

The statistical work of the MEDES on youth, associative life and sport are supported by a wide variety of sources, specifically:

  • household surveys (sporting practices, integration of Ministry graduates, public policies aimed at young people, associative life and so on);
  • censuses on sporting federations (sports licenses);
  • exploitation of administrative data (basis of diplomas issued by the Ministry, declarations by organisers of trips for minors, jobs data, declared files of sports educators and others).

Studies and forecasting

As well as producing statistics, the MEDES conducts studies on subjects that fall within its area of expertise; these are included in the INJEP’s multi-year work programme. Some of these studies are carried out by request from other departments or services of the Ministries responsible for youth and sport. This work provides knowledge, assistance for decision-making or management of public policies aimed at young people and in the area of the associative life and sports.

The MEDES is also involved in drawing up and calculating performance indicators within its Ministry.


The dissemination function, online or in paper format, is ensured by the INJEP’s promotion and dissemination mission. The Director of the INJEP, head of the Ministerial Statistical Office, is the chief editor of all these publications.

The INJEP has a collection INJEP Analyses & Synthèses aimed at highlighting the statistical production, studies and evaluation work of the Institute.

The other publication formats (specifically Chiffres-clés, Fiches Repères, Notes et rapports) can also be consulted free of charge online.

All of these publications are available on the Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletINJEP website.