Immigration Ministerial Statistical Office

INSEE and official statistics
Dernière mise à jour le : 23/01/2023

The Ministerial Statistical Office of immigration is the Department of Studies, Statistics and Documentation (DSED).

The DSED is connected to the Directorate-General for Foreign Nationals in France (DGEF) of the Ministry of the Interior and Overseas France.

The area of competence of this Ministerial Statistical Office is to follow migration flows, the reception of the new arrivals, the acquisition of French nationality and asylum.

Main missions

The DSED formulates, produces, highlights and shares the statistical information in its area of competence.

It communicates data to Eurostat, which is required by European regulations, on migratory statistics and international protection.

Furthermore, the DSED hosts the national contact point of the European Migration Network (EMN).

It also handles the management of the DGEF’s documentary collection.

Statistical production

The DSED implements, employs and updates statistical databases from administrative files that deal with the DGEF’s various areas of competence. These include the granting of visas, issuing residency permits, reception and integration contracts, work permits, asylum requests, naturalisations and distancing measures and so on.

On an annual basis the DSED publishes all statistics from these areas, according to a schedule that is made public at the beginning of each year.

Studies and forecasting

The DSED produces studies that make it possible to improve knowledge around immigrant populations and contributes to the subsequent assessment of the impact of policies that have been implemented.

In order to do this, it works alongside the large national public research and study bodies, major partner entities in matters of immigration (OFII, the French Office for Immigration and Integration, OFPRA, the Office for the Protection of Refugees and Stateless Persons, and others) and European and international organisations (including Eurostat and the OECD).


The DSED publishes the studies and statistics that it produces on the DGEF’s website, under the Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletÉtudes et statistiques section (Studies and statistics).