Civil Service Ministerial Statistical Office

INSEE and official statistics
Dernière mise à jour le : 23/01/2023

The Ministerial Statistical Office of the Civil Service is the Studies, Statistics, and Information Systems Sub-Directorate (SDESSI).

The SDESSI is linked to the Directorate-General for Administration and the Civil Service (DGAFP) within the Ministry of Public Sector Transformation and the Civil Service.

Main missions

The SDESSI produces and publishes statistical data and studies about the three aspects of the Civil Service to evaluate inter-ministerial policies implemented by the DGAFP and shed light on the major ongoing projects in the context of human resources management.

Statistical production

The SDESSI designs and manages the statistical information system on the Civil Service. To this end, it works on various aspects, particularly together with INSEE and the other Ministerial Statistical Offices (MSOs):

  • surveys with employees of the Civil Service and/or public employers, in collaboration with the Ministerial Statistical Offices: Local Authorities (DESL), Health and Solidarity (DREES) and Labour (DARES);
  • exploitation of administrative sources, particularly regarding employment and wages in the Civil Service, specifically for the INSEE’s SIERA programme (information system on employment and income from work);
  • collection and synthesis data on the Civil Service.

It project manages the decision-making of the State Civil Service human resources information systems.

Studies and forecasting

The SDESSI carries out analyses and studies on the three branches of the Civil Service:

  • producing the “Faits et Chiffres” section of the annual report on the state of the Civil Service;
  • contributing to the work of the joint Civil Service council;
  • evaluating inter-ministerial policies and inter-public functions;
  • socio-demographic studies on public employment, remuneration, retirement pensions, work-related health and safety and human resources management;
  • secretariat of the scientific council of the DGAFP.


The SDESSI highlights and disseminates the results of its work through a set of publications and by making data available on the Civil Service’s online portal, under the Ouvrir dans un nouvel ongletÉtudes & Statistiques section (Studies & Statistics).