Energy, Housing, Transport and the Environment Ministerial Statistical Office

INSEE and official statistics
Dernière mise à jour le : 25/01/2023

The Ministerial Statistical Office of Energy, Housing, Transport and the Environment is the Statistical Studies and Data Service (SDES).

The SDES falls under the umbrella of the Office of the Commissioner General for Sustainable Development (CGDD), within the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Territorial Cohesion and the Ministry for the Energy Transition.

Main missions

The SDES’s mission is to organise the observation and statistical system in the areas of housing, construction, transport, energy, the environment and sustainable development, in conjunction with interested national, European and international institutes.

To this end, within its areas of expertise:

  • it gathers, creates and disseminates statistical information;
  • it produces sustainable development indicators for public policies;
  • it represents official French statistics at the European Union, the OECD, the United Nations and the International Energy Agency.

Statistical production

For its areas of expertise, the SDES produces statistics based on the results of surveys included in the programme of the National Council for Statistical Information (CNIS), or on multiple sources, notably administrative.

Where the environment is concerned, it constitutes information systems on biodiversity, water, air and the impact of economic and human activities. It produces indicators and environmental accounts and provides an understanding of the social perception of environmental matters. This information is summarised in particular in the annual report on the economy of the environment. Every four years the SDES brings out the report on the state of the environment.

For energy, it carries out statistical surveys and manages administrative sources that cover the production and distribution of energy (electricity, gas, oil, coal, renewable energies and heating). It also gathers data collected by other bodies on the production and consumption of energy, in order to draw up notes on the annual situation and circumstances of energy. In addition, it conducts studies about issues as varied as energy supply and the impact of energy consumption on the economy, society and the climate.

In the field of housing and construction, it feeds and disseminates databases (Sit@del, about building permits, and Géokit, on development and housing) and pilots surveys on housing (the marketing of new housing and the social rental stock) and regarding construction (monitoring companies, price index for housing maintenance and improvement work). It prepares the housing accounts.

In terms of transport, the SDES produces and analyses statistical information on the flow of merchandise and travellers by mode, road vehicle stock (registrations), the economics of transport (companies, production and prices), social information about transport (specifically the working conditions of road freight drivers) and household mobility. It also produces transport satellite accounts.

As for sustainable development, it presides over and leads the indicators commission of the National Council for the Ecological Transition towards Sustainable Development. It coordinates the design and production of indicators associated with strategy. Furthermore, the SDES creates, in partnership with INSEE, territorial sustainable development indicators. It produces the land use report Corine Land Cover and conducts studies about urban sprawl.

The SDES participates in drawing up national accounts with INSEE. Its macro-economic calculation work is presented in the form of reports on the accounts (on housing, transport, the environment, energy) and discussed in specialised training sessions.

Studies and analyses

The SDES carries out analyses and produces statistical and economic summaries on its areas of intervention. It supports the monitoring of public policies driven by the Ministries by mobilising the data and expertise that it possesses. It manages several observatories on issues surrounding the green economy, natural risks and energy renewal.

Its work encompasses cross-cutting issues of sustainable development, for example measuring the carbon footprint from final household consumption and the material footprint, and providing figures for public expenditure on the prevention of natural risks as well as providing parameters for modelling energy and climate scenarios.


The statistics and studies produced by the SDES are shared on itsOuvrir dans un nouvel onglet Études et données statistiques (Statistical Studies and Data) website.

Databases accessible via the Internet allow users to download tailored tables and detailed files. Custom work can be carried out upon request.