The national publications

Presentation of all the Insee collections and free access to the content

INSEE and official statistics
Dernière mise à jour le : 16/09/2016
Insee Focus

Short, illustrated summaries on a wide range of topics.

Insee Première

Four-page summaries of initial results of Insee surveys and studies. All major economic and social topics of current interest are discussed in concise texts illustrated with charts and tables.

Every issue reports recent, previously unpublished data on individual topics.

Insee Conjoncture

The publications in the Insee Conjoncture collection are based on the wealth of statistical production by the Insee:

all economic tendency surveys on households and businesses, the main economic indicators (prices, industrial production, etc.), France’s quarterly accounts, economic outlook indicators (turnover by sector, employment, etc.).

Insee Analyses

Abstracts of analyses conducted by the Insee, usually published in the form of working documents, articles or reports.

Insee Résultats

The Insee Résultats collection gives you access to the most recent results for a given source or survey, in the form of detailed tables, as well as access to the methods and concepts used.

This publication is intended for specialists wishing to carry out their own analyses working directly with downloadable data. This collection is available in two sub-series: Economy and Society.

Insee Références

The Insee Références collection offers a periodic overview of the big social and economic issues. The data and commentaries are based on public statistical sources and analysis methods.

Each publication generally comprises:

  • an overview;
  • reports and original studies on a particular aspect of the publication's main theme;
  • double-page thematic fact sheets presenting the key data.
Documents de travail

The working documents present the initial results of technical studies. They are published online to elicit discussion and to gather reactions before the final publication.

The collection also includes the results of detailed statistical evaluations which are not available on other media. All these documents are published under the responsibility of their authors and not that of the Insee.

Insee Méthodes

Insee Methodes gives a complete, detailed account of the methodology used in the Insee’s key statistical works. The authors are leading specialists in each topic studied.

This series also serves as a medium for dissemination of theoretical texts and conference proceedings.

Insee Méthodes is intended for survey managers and researchers who need very in-depth knowledge of statistical sources.

Economie et Statistique / Economics and Statistics

The journal "Economie et Statistique" is published eight times a year.

It contains in-depth perspectives on all economic and social topics and on the statistical tools that are used for these quantitative studies. It is open to statisticians and researchers from all fields. Articles are published under the sole responsibility of their authors.