INSEE's territorial organisation

INSEE's resources are divided between the Directorate-General, located in Montrouge, and the new statistical centre in Metz, the Regional Offices, the national computer centres and services. In the overseas territories, the regional offices have the role of interregional directorates, assisted by regional services.

INSEE and official statistics
Dernière mise à jour le : 01/03/2018

Directorate-General located in Montrouge and Metz

The Head Office in Montrouge defines and carries out statistical and economic studies, sharing the work between the Paris office, the regional offices, the national computer centres and services. It coordinates the official statistical system and manages the Institute's human, financial and IT resources.

Opened in 2011, the Metz Statistical Centre manages three areas: human resources, computer production and social and local statistics.

A network of regional offices

The regional offices collect most of the statistical data and carry out a significant proportion of data processing. They maintain contact with local participants, carry out studies and disseminate economic and social information in their region. Their main interlocutors are decentralised State departments and territorial authorities.

They are ideally placed to understand the needs of local stakeholders and how to satisfy them.